Sunday, April 24, 2011

Oh what a difference a Year makes

Easter 2011 is in the history book.  One year ago we shaved the balance of my hair off from.  Most had fallen out due to the last Chemo treatment which was a full on blast of chemo.  I was devastated to say the least.  At the time we felt the Pulmonary Fibrosis was the least of our concerns.  Well my hair has grown back in and has been cut three times since then. I have to keep it quite short now due to the PF.  Using my arms to dry and style it takes too much air.

I am happy to report that to the best of our knowledge I am still cancer free, but as you know if you have been following this the PF has marched forward with a vengeance.   Other than being tired all the time not much has change disease wise since the January prognosis of 3 to 4 months.  However my life as I have known it has changed drastically.  My shrinking world is taking a lot of getting used to.

I can no longer go to a store by myself (except a grocery or a store with an Amiga) as I can't walk around and shop anymore.  

Trying to go visit anyone more than a 15 minutes away becomes a task on how to take along enough oxygen.  So mostly I just stay home.

My family would like me to quit driving altogether but I am not giving that up yet.

I am making plans to walk every nice day.  Will this spring ever get nice.

The nurse comes to see me 2xs a week.  I visit with a social worker once a month or so and the same with Beth the Hospice Minister.  I also have lots of friends that visit.

Facebook has become very important to me to help pass the time.  I plan to do small project too.  I want to read more too, but I have to turn that blasted TV off first and I find myself just laying on the couch and watching.  Can't tell you what I am watching, but I'm Watching.

On a high note, I am planning on walking the Survivor lap at the Dexter Relay for Life on March 14th.  Thought I might try to raise a little money for all cancers while I am at it. Check out my page if you are so inclined.

I have lots more to say, but it's been a fun but long day so I am closing and going back to the couch.
Happy Easter Everyone.


  1. Happy Easter Aunt April!!

  2. Just remember what you said April "what a difference a year makes". My prayer is that by next year I will see you at Hiller's and we will be exchanging recipes.

    If it ever gets you down remember how strong YOU are. less than 10 months before my surgery I came back from a business trip over seas and could still bench press 450 pounds. By this time last year I was being wheeled into church. It is your faith and optimism that has sustained you physically. I wish I had been as strong.

    God Bless


  3. I agree, in a year everything can change. I know what you mean about the scope of everyday things seem to get harder with Pulmonary Fibrosis. But we are in this together! The smallest things can seem more difficult, althought the appreciation of small things seems to grow larger. With Much Love--Happy Easter! River-Rose


Your words mean the world me. Please feel free to leave your honest comments. Thank you, April