Today well actually Tues I decided to continue this blog with info on my condition, but to also include some of the fun things we do around here.Good Evening Family, Friends & Guest,
As most people know by now, I have a couple of fractured vertebrae as a result of long term use of Predisone. I think I did something to my back again today. I talked to Dr. Howlin and she does believe I will heal, but it takes 4 to 6 weeks from diagnosis. Even though we think I did this April 27th, diagnosis was last week. So I will just take it slow and easy for a few weeks. The hospital bed is not that attractive, but now with the air mattress, I think it will really help.
Last Sunday afternoon Katherine and I spent a nice fun couple of hours making our fairy doors. We both knew what we wanted and set about fixing them up. Katherine had to paint hers, mine started out the color I wanted. Mine hangs on My bedroom door, Katherine wants a shelf to put hers on. I am planning to buy more and make more. Katherine and I want to put some both inside and outside.

We are coming up on the 1st holiday of summer. I wonder how many out there know what this holiday is for. When I was a little girl we called it Decoration Day and we would go to the Cemetary to place a flag on the grave of a soilder. I have included an HTML link at the top to a Wikiapedia article. I hope you take the time to read it and if you see a vet this weekend thank him or her. Also if you happen upon a parade and can stop and watch. Remember to always cross your heart at the 1st US flag you see leading the parade and young boys/men should remove thier hats in respect.
I am hoping to spend some time with Katherine, Leah & maybe Lori tomorrow. I hope I feel a little better. I have a new patch to try tonight for pain. We shall see.
Have a safe, fun holiday weekend.
That's all folks. May God be with you & Be Well till we met again.
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