Friday, September 2, 2011

3 days out.

Hello Family, Friends & Guest,

3 days out from surgery and my back has hurt all day.  I am in hopes that I slept on it wrong or something.  I have been very careful and I truly don't think I over did it yesterday, but alas it has hurt all day long.
Despite this minor set back I did have Med Equip pick up the hospital bed today.  I am just as comfortable on the couch again and I can save all that real estate.  I did confirm that if I was hasty in my decision I can get it back.

A couple more things about Sally I forgot to mention.  She gives true hugs.  If she really wants something she will dig in deep to for the hug.  They are truly wonderful.   Also with her ball obsession she will stop fetching when you tell her last time or All Done.  She will not eat if we are not home and even the snacks we give her when we leave, she eats when we return.

They say if it ain't broken don't fix it.  Well I tried to change my play list and in the process I deleted the old player.  The new player is different and does not work the same sooooo for at least now no more music.

Wishing everyone a safe and fun holiday weekend.

God be with you till we meet again.  Be Well

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Post Op Update, Sally Dog

Good Morning Family, Friends & Guest,

I am feeling quite good 2 days post op.  The incision spot itches a tad.  The three blown veins are healing and it is 8:30 am and I am dressed with my hair washed and styled etc.  Feeling pretty good about myself.

I want to talk today about our other miracle from God which is Sally Boggs our dog.  She came to us on a 3 day trial 2 years ago.  She loves us both with unconditional love.  Like all our dogs have been she is quirky.  We share a pop tart each morning for breakfast.   She will patiently wait for the pop tart to toast and cool.  You can set the plate near her and walk away while it cools and she will not touch it.

Her favorite toy is a ball.  One specific ball and she will fetch it and bring it back as long as you will throw it.  She will also stop when you tell her all done.  She will also play with it by herself.  She uses a pink slipper to send the ball, than looks around for it, fetches it and starts again.  She sends it by holding the slipper in her mouth and shaking the heck out of it.  She gives great Hugs upon request or if she is wanting something.

She will not eat if we are not home and now we both must be home.  Use to be she would eat so long as one of  us was home.  She will not go to bed without at least one of us.  At bedtime she watches for me (I swear she can tell time) as she must have a tiny bite of Vaseline to eat before she crawls under the covers.  She also has to flip over for a belly rub from Ray before going under cover.  She sleeps under the covers for about 15 minutes then walks to the head of the bed and just flops between us with her nose nuzzled under my pillow.  She does this several times during the night and in the morning she is always under the covers.

She loves me do.
In the 2 years she has been here she has never had an accident, nor has she torn  anything up.
She is afraid of lawn mowers and storms.  She sits real close to me for the mowers, she hides in the closet from the storms.

Speaking of mowers they are out there now.  Poor thing, she is hiding under my bed.

The best part of Sally is that she loves us both equally.  I am so glad as my original plan and the reason I wanted to get a dog was so that when I am gone Ray will have something to greet him when he comes home.  A silent house is a sad house.  Sally will help to fill that silent.

Thanks for listening.  Have a great day till we meet again.
Be Well

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Update, Update, back surgery done

Good Morning Family, Friends & Guest,

Back surgery is done.  Thank the Lord.  Yesterday was so very hard on me.  I felt the hand of God on my shoulder and I could see it in my mines I, but I still couldn't shake the fear.  Jose the preacher was here delivering my oxygen and prayed with me and he said.  "If you are going to Pray why worry and if you are going to Worry why Pray!"  Makes perfect sense, but so very hard to do.

I am early calling the surgery a success, I feel like I have been run over by a truck, not to mention the exhastion, but the pain is in a new place and localized to the left side, so I am calling it surgery pain,  I slept most of the night, but did get up at 5:00 for pain medicine and could not return to sleep even with the ativan.  At 6:30 I took my morning meds and Sally and I shared our usual Pop Tart breakfast.  Sadly I have to give her my favorite part (edges) to try to keep the sugar she gets down.  We only like the brown sugar cinnimon Pop Tarts.  Did you know a serving size is 1 pop tart, yet they package them in 2s -tricky.

I have the best husband/care giver in the whole world.  He is patient and kind.  He has chosen to stay home today with me and truly, I am glad to have him.   I had thought of asking him, but didn't.  I can't lift more than 2 lbs and walking is still a real chore.  I am going to ask him to bake the preacher cake as he seems a little bored.  I love him ever so much.

My plan for the day is to rest.  Research Skype and how it works and research a place to stay at Sleeping Bear Dunes at the end of the month.,