Katherine was know as Kate from the day she was born until the 1st day of Kindergarten when she advised her teacher "you can call me Katherine". She has been Katherine ever since to some family members and remains Kate or Katie to others. Her early childhood friends call her Kate, but her school friends call her Katherine. She is happy either way. I call her Katherine, her Papa solves the problem and just calls her Rag Mop. Her mom, dad & brother mostly call her Kate. Except her mom more often calls her Birdie. Nicknames are a southern thing and huge in the Boggs family.
Katherine set out very young to out read her brother and now reads and comprehends at college level. She just finished reading "Heaven is Four Real". It is wonderful to see her read for pleasure. She loves Greek Mythology and will say her thanks and prayers to the Greek God’s –for example if it’s a beautiful day with the sun shining, she’ll thank Apollo since he’s the God of the sun…
Here is a list of some of her books
- Percy Jackson (Greek Mythology) series 3 times. She even wrote him a letter.
- Spiderwick Chronicles 2 times
- Alcemist
- Blubber
- Where the Red Fern Grows (multiple times)
- Are you there God it's me Margaret
- The entire Bone Series (the book was 3 inches thick)
Katherine likes crafts and sewing. She has made several outfits for her pal Patrick a build a bear dog that has gone every where with her and taken part in every celebration for many years.
Kate is clever, and smart, and witty with a wonderful sense of humor. Example a few years back we were discussing the band the Beatles and then starting teasing about Beetles and somehow ask Katherine how to tell the difference and she said because one is spelled Beetles and one is spelled Beatles. I think she was about 7ish.
This is her most recent picture taken especially for this blog.
I'm sure I have left off many, many things. But this is a snapshot of how I know Katherine on this day.
We are most proud of her and the direction she is heading as she transitions from Little Girl to Tween. We love you Katherine Theresa Powers with our whole hearts.
First day of school September 2011.