Sophie is sweet and kind and loves her sister Jillian to the extreme. She loves her so much she can hardly keep herself from hugging and touching her. They often sit next to each other to watch TV and Soph always has her arm around Jill. Some of her favorite shows are Curious George, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Berenstain Bears, Maggie & The Ferocious Beast and Little Bill. She gets the story or joke too as I hear her laugh or respond to the show. This sounds like a lot of shows, but trust me her TV time is limited.
Sophie loves music and loves to sing. She will sing along with her favorite music playing or simply sing on her own without a background. She of course performs all of the hand motions etc to whatever song she might be singing. Some of her favs are Shake my Sillies Out, He's Got the Whole World in His Hands, Wheels on the Bus, Lovely, Love my Family and Jump Up. She knows all the words and a whole host of other songs.

She is a very lucky girl too as she has taken a couple of bug classes and has real butterflies in her room. Bug classes aside, she is a girlie girl and always wears dresses, always, and she also always has one baby or another with her. She has many doll babies, but I am not sure if she has a favorite.
Her dad has taken her to a couple of Michigan football games in her young life, last week they took the bus to the Big Stadium. She liked the bus ride, a little bit of the game and the band. They left at half time. Such a lucky little girl.
Lessons: Soph is currently signed up for ballet lessons on Saturday's some where on campus and Swimming Lessons on Thursday at the YMCA. Neither lessons are going well at this point, but it is still early. On Thursday before her 2nd swimming lesson her dad ask her if she was going to swim this time to which she replied " I'm just going to sit on the edge and cry." and that is exactly what she did. While there Jason decided to swim laps and when they were changing he lamented that he was tired from swimming the laps and Sophie said "Yeah I am tired too from crying by the side of the pool."
All in All she is a delightful little girls that can hold a conversation like an adult and tell you many, many things as she has a long memory and has had a ton of life experience. Her parents take her lots of places we as parents would not have even thought to take such a young child. She can tell you all about them. I love her so, sometimes I think my heart will burst.