Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Injured Back, Drugs, Drugs give me drugs.

Good Evening Friends, Family & Guest,

Well as I may have mentioned in my last post, I have injured my back. I was attempting to stand up, so of mid stand, knees bent and I coughed and bam Instant pain. The first couple of days were not too bad, but by Saturday, I could not stand without support.  I called Hospice and a nurse came out.  I was advised to take morphine 20 to 40 Mg every hour and 600 ML of Motrin every 3 hours.  She also ordered Methadone.  The Methadone came today, so I also take that 2 times per day.  I can hardly function, but it does take the edge off.  If I am not better by Monday, I am calling my primary to find out just what is going on.

With all this medicine I am not asleep nor am I really awake.  It is just strange.

It is getting warmer here finally, was able to be outside for a while today.  The sunshine just lifts the spirit ya know.

We made these as a family project Sunday to place at the relay for life.   It was big fun.
That's All Folks
Be Well


  1. Pretty Girl, hang in there. Beautiful spirit, keep going.

  2. AA, I so understand where you are coming from. Dino and I both know the pain you are in and if you have never had it you just can't make someone understand. I will tell you what works for me when I just can't stand it anymore is to lay on my back put my butt up against the couch and place my legs and feet on the cushion. It will look like your legs make an upside down L. Then I get a heating pad and leave it on for 20 minutes. Dino prefers to sit in the tub for the heat. I also what to say that 800 ibuprofen works better for me than erg Motrin and flexural is what works for Dino . I am so sorry on top of everything else you have hurt your back :( It really is an unbelievable pain I wish you didn't have to endure. Glad you have hospice there to help, they are priceless. I love you and am praying for you <3 R.

  3. Sorry to hear, April. Nothing is worse than back pain keeping you awake. Muscle relaxers and ice work for me the best. Hope you are feeling more like yourself in no time. Keep us all posted. We're praying for you like crazy! xoxo,Traci

  4. April, As I said of your FB page you are such an awesome woman & I so admire you- your strength,your courage, your honesty. I can well understand your back pain as I have suffered with sciatia and ruptured disks for many years. Now with this IPF along with osteoporsis, it makes some days really hard. I hope that at least by now your back is feeling better. I thought about starting a blog, so that my friends and family would have an honest idea of what I feel/think about my days of living with this disease, but I couldn't get even the first paragraph down- probably because much of what I would say is what you have already said. So I continue to read yours and am amazed that we tend to share a lot of the same feelings and outlooks on life. Take care of yourself. Dee


Your words mean the world me. Please feel free to leave your honest comments. Thank you, April